Drops of the divine by Nestle
Nestlé Pakistan has been one constant brand in every household throughout the entire nation. Not only has it maintained the true essence of pure milk but has also kept the wholesomeness of milk alive overall. Nestlé Pakistan hosted a book launch at the historical Alhamra that illustrated the story of milk in our country. This was done in collaboration with Markings Publishing and a dairy book called ‘Drops of the Divine: A Story of Milk in Pakistan’ was unveiled. The photography in the book has been done exceptionally well. The photography exhibition was followed by a musical program and dinner.
This book ‘Drops of the Divine: A Story of Milk in Pakistan’ highlights historical facts that walk the reader through the journey of the packaged milk sector in the country. We may have come across many coffee table books but what grabs our attention in this book is the fact that each image relates to the true quintessence of culture and represents the undeniable hard work of dairy farmers and workers who work day and night to bring to us the purest and healthiest form of milk.
Each chapter paces you through a different aspect of the packaged milk sector thus portraying an irreplaceable legacy and journey that Nestlé Pakistan started and keeps continuing. The one thing we love about this book is the added touch of scrumptious recipes that hold the traditional value of our country. Each recipe given in the book demonstrates Pakistan’s love for milk especially in desserts.We never knew the painstaking process of production that goes into bringing us the perfect pack of milk.