US agency duped world leaders by fake data regarding global warming, claims whistleblower

WASHINTON – A recently-retired top scientist from the America’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has accused his superiors of manipulating data to hide a slowdown in the rise of global temperatures ahead of the UN Climate Change Conference in 2015.

John Bates in an interview to DailyMail claimed that Thomas Karl, the head of the climate change department at the government agency authored a paper based on fake data, changed it into publication and to compel international powers to fight global warming worth billions of dollars.

After rising by 0.113C per decade between 1950 and 1999, temperatures stabilised between 2000 and 2014, despite rising levels of CO2 emissions, however, Karl allegedly ignored the fact.

A report by United Nations in 2012 suggested a pause in burgeoning global warming and raised suspicions regarding the gauging instruments giving a clue of something entirely opposite.

However, Karl’s paper emerged just ahead of a meeting aimed at discussing global warming with Barack Obama and german Chancellor Angela Markel as attendees, refuting the pause.

Bates went on and alleged that before the publication of the paper, Karl allegedly emphasised more on issuing warnings instead of more research and documentation in a bid to influence national and international deliberations on climate policy.

“They had good data from buoys. And they threw it out and ‘corrected’ it by using the bad data from ships. You never change good data to agree with bad, but that’s what they did – so as to make it look as if the sea was warmer,” said the scientist.

The allegedly fake ‘pausebuster’ graph

Bates insists that the paper never passed the agency’s own evaluation criteria and was just a tool to make things happen in a way he wanted instead of truth.

Seasoned climate sceptics and Republican House Science Committee Chairman Lamar Smith also questioned the credibility of the data tabulated by Karl.

Moreover, the Paris conference referred to the same report and so shocked by its fake disclosure, world leaders promised to transfer $100 billion per year from wealthier countries to poorer ones to fight climate change and vowed to ensure that temperatures do not rise by more than 2C.

“How ironic it is that there is now this idea that Trump is going to trash climate data, when key decisions were earlier taken by someone whose responsibility it was to maintain its integrity – and failed,” Bates said.

Bates, who retired from NOAA last year expressed hope that his caution would reform the sad state of affairs within the agency.

Original shape of graph suggesting a decline in global warming
Green line hidden behind colurs

‘I am hoping that this will be a wake-up call to the climate science community. I want to address the systemic problems. I don’t care whether modifications to the datasets make temperatures go up or down. But I want the observations to speak for themselves’ asserted Bates.

On the other hand, Karl, who also retired last year refuted the allegation that the paper was formulated primarily for Paris moot.

The Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at the London School of Economics confirmed that one of the graphs used in the article was deceptive and that the article as a whole was fake to mislead the public and policymakers about the scientific evidence for climate change.”


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