SIALKOT (Web Desk) – According to a local News Channel’s report Bollywood star Salman Khan’s Pakistani look-alike was so heartbroken that he approached a police station to get arrested, in Sialkot, after ‘Dabang Khan’ was sentenced to five years in prison by a court in Mumbai.
Husnain Ahmad, who bears astonishing resemblance to the Indian actor, insisted that police officials should arrest him “I shall also go through the same pain as the real Salman Khan”. The personnel however, obviously, refused to take him into custody.
Salman Khan was sentenced to imprisonment according to Indian laws for his crimes, official told Ahmad.
Upon being informed that Bollywood star has been granted an interim bail by High Court, Pakistani Salman Khan started jumping with joy.
Do you think ‘Husnain Ahmad’ is truly jolted by the tragedy in Salman Khan’s life or is it just a case of poor acting skills being overhyped in a news report?