General Asim says Pakistan ready to thwart enemy s nefarious designs

RAWALPINDI – Army Chief General Asim Munir said on Wednesday that Pakistan possesses the “wherewithal to thwart nefarious designs of its adversaries through the entire gamut of threat”.

According to the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), the chief of army staff (COAS) gave these remarks when he visited Tilla Field Firing Ranges near Jhelum in Punjab. During the visit, Gen Munir witnessed live fire and manoeuvres of the advanced VT-4 tanks, shoot and scoot capabilities of long-range SH-15 artillery guns and innovative equipment display.

“The Pakistan Army is alive to the existing and emerging challenges and possessed the wherewithal to thwart nefarious designs of its adversaries through the entire gamut of threats,” the army chief added.

He lauded the combat proficiency of the crews and their mastery over state-of-the-art weaponry. He also appreciated the high degree of professionalism, battle worthiness and offensive spirit displayed by the troops of the strike corps.

When the army chief arrived in Jhelum he was received by Mangla corps commander and briefed on the operational readiness of the strike corps.

Earlier this week, Gen Munir said the recent surge in terrorism was a “futile effort” by terrorists to resume talks and warned them to submit to the “writ of state of Pakistan before they are decimated”.

According to the ISPR, the army chief issued the warning when he met the tribal elders and notables from the newly merged districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The “interactive session” was held during the COAS’s visit to Peshawar.

“The surge in terrorism in recent past is a futile effort on the part of terrorists to get the talks re-initiated, however, there is no option for these terrorists except to submit to the writ of state of Pakistan before they are decimated, if they persist on their wrong path,” Gen Munir was quoted by the military’s media wing. 

The army chief also reiterated the resolve of the Pakistan Army, Frontier Corps (FC) and other law enforcement agencies in their fight against terrorism. “He [Gen Munir] showed resolve to finish peril of Narco which is becoming a lifeline for these TTP khawaraj.”

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