Hammad Azhar resigns as PTI Punjab president

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader Hammad Azhar has once again resigned as the president of the party’s Punjab chapter, citing his inability to access Imran Khan and restrictions on his movements as the primary reasons for his decision.

Azhar, who previously served as a federal minister during the PTI government, is currently in hiding due to fears of arrest, as he faces multiple charges related to the events of May 9. “Unfortunately, I do not have access to Imran Khan. I did not hold a press conference, nor did I make any deals, as my movement is very restricted, and I cannot go to Adiala [jail],” Azhar wrote on X.

He voiced several grievances, including being excluded from decision-making within PTI’s Punjab organization. Azhar criticized the process, stating that “most of these decisions were based on lobbying” rather than merit. He also expressed concern over the limited access to and one-sided information being provided to the PTI founder.

Azhar pointed to the removal of Chaudhry Asghar as PTI’s Lahore president as an example of this “lobbying,” suggesting that those who sought Asghar’s replacement succeeded by presenting “wrong facts” to Imran Khan.

He further claimed that after Asghar’s nomination as Lahore president, some individuals began misleading Khan against him, despite Asghar’s contributions to the party. Azhar emphasized that PTI leadership agreed with him that Asghar’s removal and similar decisions were a result of Khan’s limited access to accurate information.

Azhar also highlighted that Khan was not being informed about the struggles of PTI members in other regions. “In this situation, it is not possible for me, as Punjab president, to ignore merit and remove people who are performing and making sacrifices just because their voices cannot reach Khan sahab,” he said.

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