Twitter s favorite terrorist: Twitter refuses to suspend account despite glorifying suicide bombing, violence repeatedly

WASHINGTON – Popular social media network, Twitter, has refused to suspend the account of a Pakistani separatist leader despite repeated glorification of suicide bombings and advocacy of violence.

The micro-blogging giant, which otherwise keeps an eye on dissemination of hate through its network, has turned a blind eye to the content posted by Allah Nazar Baloch who leads Baloch Students Organisation (BSO).

The Baloch separatist leader has been constantly justifying suicide bombings aimed at the Pakistani security officials and posting the pictures of the suicide bombers involved in the heinous activities, much to the dismay of a huge chunk of social media users in Pakistan.

Scores of Pakistani social media buffs have reported the account of the individual in question, however, Twitter is flouting its own policy designed to tackle hate and violence.

Twitter took tangible steps to develop its hateful conduct policy and in 2014, many users termed the policy pretty sane.

According to the policy against violence and physical harm, Twitter will suspend or delete any account if it makes specific threats of violence or wish for the serious physical harm, death or disease of an individual or group of people.

Twitter’s policy against violence and physical harm

As per the policy, Twitter will also take actions against any account if it threatens or promote terrorism.

However, the techies at Twitter seem to be ignoring the hate mongering paddled by Allah Nazar Baloch. Just a few days ago, he glorified the suicide bombing that injured 6 people, including Chinese Engineers, in Balochistan.

Baloch posted the picture of the alleged bomber Rehan and lavished praise on him, to the ignorance of Twitter which promises to create a safe digital space.

The Twitter account of leader of Baloch Liberation Army (BLA), an organization classified as a terrorist outlet by Government of Pakistan, was reported multiple times by social media users in droves, however, Twitter has not taken any action in this regard.

Apparently, Allah Nazar Baloch appears to be the ‘favourite terrorist of Twitter’ as the favour extended to the individual is not granted to any other user with such digital media footprints.

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