Mein Punjab Nahi Jaoongi, which is being directed by renowned actor/director Nadeem Baig has been written by Khalil ur Rehman Qamar, one of the most prominent script-writers existing in the Pakistani media industry at the moment.
The film features popular artists such as Mehwish Hayat, Humayun Saeed, Ahmed Ali Butt, Saba Waseem, Samina Peerzada and many others.
The latest to jump onto the movie’s bandwagon is Urwa Hocane, who is currently also busy shooting for feature film ‘Rangreza’ opposite Bilal Ashraf, the new ‘dimpled’ sensation who has stolen the hearts of Pakistani girls!
We are waiting to hear of more updates on the feature film, but for now, the older Hocane sister has been confirmed for a role in the movie.