LAHORE – The Marvel Cinematic Universe brings forth Avengers: Infinity War – the film to bring all the superheroes together in a gritty witty juicy way of tying loose ends. – SPOILERS AHEAD
The casts of Thor Ragnarok, Captain America: Civil War, Spider-man Homecoming, Black Panther, Doctor Strange, and Guardians of the Galaxy 2 come together to form ‘super bowl’ league of fighting against the big bad Thanos, the villain hell bent on collecting infinity stones to ultimately rule the universe (sounds like a good old super-league super hero film).
The film starts off with an apologetic, yet comedic tone. As Thanos (Josh Brolin) has caught up to Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.), Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) pairs up with the former for an interesting anti-hero coupling. Thor (Chris Hemsworth) and Star Lord (Chris Pratt) pair up in a witty alliance, Captain America (Chris Evans) and Black Widow (Scarlet Johansson) somber up like the remarkable soldiers that they are. Oh, but we definitely miss Hawkeye as he is chilling in his retirement days. Oh, teen Spiderman’s (Tom Holland) on a roll too as Iron Man welcomes him with open arms. By the way, love his suit! And with Black Panther released just a few months before, Wakanda stays in theme throughout.
While the movie makes a substantial amount of interesting plot, leaving almost no scene to waste, the rigidity and fractured state of the original Avengers team leaves the audience unsettled. With makers of the film in no mood to improve the relations of the team members, it seems more of a cliche action packed sequence rather than the usual spark of joy that we experience as a Marvel film progresses. With the logical and emotional hole not being filled in, the film portrays the heroes in more of a crossover fashion which is very unlike of Marvel.
Other than the shortcoming mentioned above, the film does justice to its main theme; showing Thanos as the all evil villain with no human side or a moral compass, something that is new to the universe (remember Loki, the much loved villain).
Verdict: Avengers: Infinity War is surely a popcorn munching blockbuster, but will leave you feeling hollow thinking about the consequences that are to follow into the other upcoming sequels. Afterall, “I know what it’s like to lose. To feel like you’re right, yet to fail nonetheless.”
But wait, did someone die? Whoever did, that you’ll have to see for yourself.
Rating: 4 stars out of 5