Women ride horses, play sports and make history in Saudi Arabia

Long gone are the times when only men dominated the sports in Saudi Arabia. During the Mecca championship Saudi women equestrian riders showcased their skills. These women have been showcasing their talents not only in local tournaments but also international equestrian events. Same Hussein, leader of Sama El-Khail team explained more about their presence at the event.

She talked about how 14 minutes have been allocated to each team so they can showcase their skills by jumping barriers, picking up wedges and a horse show. Team of 5 was highlighted throughout the even but not only for their love and passion of equestrian but also for their unique outfits too.

Sama told how the costumes of each player is designed according to the societal structure of Saud Arabia. It it a revamped version of Abaya which is customised accordingly. These outfits even had a hint of embroidery to make it shine. She also talked about how the team keeps up with this passion by practicing extensively which ends up in good competition. This team of 5 were awarded by the Prince Khaled Al Faisal at the closing ceremony. Winners make a mark on the sports predominanted with men.




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