Pakistan women's football team to play tournament in Saudi Arabia in January

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2022-12-29T23:42:00+05:00 Noor Fatima

Pakistani women have started taking the lead whether it's fashion, music, acting or sports.

A proud moment for Pakistan came when it was announced that Pakistan women's football team will compete in an international tournament. The team will reportedly visit Saudi Arabia next month to participate in a four-nation tournament and play the first match on January 11.

Following the 2013 FIFA ban due to inactivity, the green shirts remained inactive despite the fact that the ban was lifted in 2017. However, seeing the enthusiasm shown by the Pakistani football players and the audience, the Pakistan Football Federation (PFF) is on its way to revive the national squad with regular camps.

While the green shirts previously participated in the South Asian Football Federation championship last September with a stellar 7-0 victory over Maldives, the national squad is all set to play against Mauritius and Saudi Arabia on January 15 and 19, respectively, at the tournament being held in KSA.

Despite the foggy winters and chilly weather, the team is practicing day and night though they are expected to have different weather conditions in the kingdom.

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