Latest Gallup survey unveils interesting stats about what Pakistanis really think

LAHORE – The Pakistan chapter of American performance-management consulting company Gallup has put forth an interesting survey regarding the ongoing frayed relation between treasury benches and opposition in the aftermath of Panama papers truce and the point of common man about the system of government in the country.

The financial trajectory of the respondents was also researched as to how their daily routines changed over the past five years. They were also asked about the hullabaloo of Panama leaks and the results were surprising.

The survey also urged citizens to opine about the juxtaposition of democracy and dictatorship and how it affects their lives.

Who would win if elections are held today?

According to Gallup survey, PML-N is the most popular political party that will be voted for if elections are held again.

The survey was carried out among a sample of 1,800 men and women out of which 1,568 people expressed their opinion.


Error margin is estimated to be approximately ± 2-3 per cent at 95% confidence level.

Public opinion about PTI’s Islamabad Lock Down

The survey also covered the issue of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf which is all set to flex its muscles in Islamabad on November 2 in the wake of Panama Leaks investigations.

62 percent of Pakistanis expressed that they did not support the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf’s (PTI) planned lockup of federal capital in a bid to oust Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif over Panama leaks scandal, Gallup survey found.


The recent Gallup survey found that the majority of Pakistanis opposed the PTI’s lockdown of Islamabad and respected the Judiciary as arbitrator and trust the Supreme Court that has already sent notice to the Prime Minister and related persons on the issue of Panama Leaks.

37 percent supported the move while 1 percent either did not know or did not respond.

Among the voters of various parties, PPP voters are most opposed to lock-up (78) % followed by PML-N voters (70) %. Support is highest among PTI voters (78) %. Opposition to lock-up is lowest among PTI workers (22%). Among them 78% support the lock-up.

What Pakistani people think about Panama Leaks

According to Gallup survey, majority of Pakistanis believe in the authenticity of Panama Leaks and accuse the incumbent Prime Minister of being involved in the scandal.

Despite PML-Ns consistent rise in Pakistan’s electoral politics for three decades, Gallup report noted, PM Nawaz Sharif and his family has failed to wash away the image of financial corruption with 65 percent people believing in the legitimacy of the Panama leaks while 71 percent believe the same for his family members.



As compared to those who believe it for PM Sharif, more people were found to be skeptical of PM’s family rather than himself.

In what can be bit surprising, the Gallup report said 39 percent of PML-N’s own voters believed the PM was involved in the scandal. However, the report notes that “the sticking of corruption does not necessarily weaken their legitimacy against competing politicians because most of those in the big league suffer from the same syndrome,” adding that it does not affect electoral calculus.

Democracy or Dictatorship?

In a question regarding the imposition of Martial law, majority was found to be opining against Martial law.

Despite the fact that corruption charges stick heavily in public perception, against the ruling Prime Minister, his family members as well as leaders in the opposition, the prospect of Martial law does not attract Pakistani majority.

63 percent of people rejected the idea of imposing Martial law, 28 percent said Martial law should be imposed. 9 percent either did not know or did not respond.


In another question to participants as to what would they choose between democracy and dictatorship, 84 percent responded in democracy’s favor while 16 percent of them supported dictatorship.


Unlike several other countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America and even Europe no military rule sustained in Pakistan for over a decade. Military rule in Pakistan (1958) began alongside Egypt (few years earlier), Iraq (same year), Syria (few years later). But while none of them was able to return to pluralistic and competitive democracy to this day, Pakistan’s first military rule lasted for ten years (1958-68) and two successive martial laws (1922, 1999) were unable to outlast the duration of the first tenure.

But while none of them was able to return to pluralistic and competitive democracy to this day, Pakistan’s first military rule lasted for ten years (1958-68) and two successive martial laws (1922, 1999) were unable to outlast the duration of the first tenure.

Improvement in financial status

Majority of Pakistanis believe that their financial status has improved compared to a year ago, according to the survey

The survey asked participants whether their family’s personal financial status during the last one year has improved, worsened or stayed the same as during the previous year.


45 percent of the respondents said personal finances have improved. 34 percent said there is no change, while 21 percent believe they are worse off compared to a year ago.

 The survey further inquired people whether they believe that Pakistan’s business or economic conditions will improve, worsen or stay the same in the next 12 months.


Despite positive experience in personal finances over the last one year ( net positive +34%), there is skepticism about the prospects of progress in the national economy, 48 percent see bright prospects, but 51 percent see bleak prospects producing a net negative of  3 percent. It shows public discourse produces a bleaker image than personal experience.

 In a question whether they believe Pakistan is heading in the right direction or wrong direction, 52 percent said country is going on right trajectory, 46 percent answered in negative. While 2 percent did not give any response.


Over a period of 3 years, positive view on direction of the country has risen from a low of 15% in April 2013 to a high of 52% during the second half of 2016.

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