Son helps his sad dad sell doughnuts after tweeting about empty shop

TEXAS – A single tweet changed the fortune of a Missouri City dad’s new doughnut shop during the weekend. The thoughtful tweet by the owner’s son, showing his father’s disappointment at an empty shop, transformed it into a packed house with lines out the door.

Billy By, tweeted about his father’s empty shop saying that “My dad is sad cause no one is coming to his new donut shop,” By tweeted alongside a few photos of the store, one of which showed his dad standing behind the counter and additional pictures showed a fully stocked doughnut shop and no customers at Billy’s Donuts.

By also shared the address of his dad’s shop along with its operating hours and Instagram handle in case anyone wanted to stop by.

Here is the viral tweet:

People quickly took notice of By’s sad dad and wanted to turn his day around. At the time of writing, the tweet had been liked over 500,000 times and shared over 200,000 times.

Let’s go through some of the responses to Billy’s donuts tweet:

Twitter itself even made a visit to the doughnut shop Monday morning and is covering the tab on all visitors’ doughnuts for the rest of the day.

Last week on Sunday, By posted that the shop sold out of doughnuts and kolaches for the day.

“You are all amazing,” By tweeted. “I can’t thank everyone enough for coming out and supporting local businesses. This means so much to my family.”

Isn’t it sweet?

After this kind incident, we must see scial media is having a stronmg power in connecting people worldwide and this is a big example of positive side of the global networking. 

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