Find out the top 10 benefits of lemons

When life gives you lemons, you better use them for the following benefits! Rich in antioxidants and Vitamin C, this citrus fruit has many benefits packed inside. From serving a refreshing glass of lemonade to using it bolstering immune system, there is so much lemons can do!

1 – Improves digestion 

Drinking lemon water is one of the best and easiest ways to improve digestion. The natural acids present in it help the stomach to digest protein and also increase the process of producing bile in the liver. It improves the digestion of fats on its own as well as relieves digestive problems.

2 – Strengthens immune system 

Lemon juice is anti-bacterial as well as anti-inflammatory. This is because lemons are rich in vitamin (C) which is an antioxidant. 

3 – Kidney cleansing 

Lemon contains the highest amount of citric acid compared to other fruits, which dissolves kidney stones and also prevents the formation of new ones. 

4 – Protection of joints 

Citric acid present in lemons dissolves stones that are formed from uric acid particles. These particles are also likely to be found in human bone joints and result in arthritis.

5 – Hydrogenation 

Lemon juice warms the human body. That is, it supplies the body with vital fluids and other vital elements. 

6 – Eliminates toxins 

Lemon water acts as an excellent diuretic. In addition, it removes excess water, pollutants and toxins from the human body through urine. Therefore, it is recommended to drink lemon water daily.

7 – Anti-aging 

Surprisingly, lemon juice can be mixed with water and can be used for skin care. Because it fights germs and heals connective tissues. It protects cells from free radicals. In a way, it’s like an anti-aging tonic.

 8 – Treating stomach ulcers 

Despite its sour taste, lemons are beneficial for gastric ulcers and can naturally become a remedy for gastrointestinal issues.

9 – Reduces weight

Lemon water indirectly helps in weight loss. In order to get the most out of lemons for weight loss, it is recommended to eat the peel of the lemon after washing it which is rich in polyphenols. It activates genes that automatically increase fat burning. 

10 – Rich with antioxidants and acids

 Apart from being rich in potassium and magnesium, it is also low in amino acids that produce acids. 

Aqsa Afzal: the rising star of nutrition and lifestyle

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