Globetrotter Hania Aamir bathes in river, stuns netizens in latest pictures

An actor par excellence, acclaimed model and an amateur singer — Pakistani star Hania Aamir is everything, but more than that, she’s a true wanderlust at heart!

The Titli diva, who has been giving netizens FOMO for the past couple of weeks with her back-to-back pictures from her London getaway, is on a trip once again — this time in her own country.

The Mere Humsafar famed actress shared a set of scintillating pictures from her trip to Khapalu in Gilgit-Baltistan. In one of the snippets, Aamir was see bathing in the freshwater river. 

The star looked absolutely gorgeous as she posed for the camera with captivating beauty of Pakistan’s northern areas in the background.

Mesmerized by her ethereal beauty, social media users left love-filled comments for Aamir under her post. Actor Feroze Khan commented, “I love them mountains.”

Known for her versatility and acting prowess, Aamir has solidified herself among the most sought-after faces in the showbiz fraternity with commercially and critically successful television series and films including Mere Humsafar, Mujhe Pyaar Hua Tha, Janaan, Parde Mein Rehne Do, Sang-e-Mah, and Dil Ruba — to name a few — under her belt.

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