Dananeer Mubeen, the famous social media star known as the ‘Pawri Girl’ and rising actress, is making waves with a new viral video from the set of her upcoming drama “M Se Mohabbat” alongside Ahad Raza Mir.
Dananeer, who gained fame with her viral video “Pawri Ho Rahi Hai,” recently completed her graduation. To celebrate this milestone, her fellow actors gave her a humorous surprise, which had Dananeer bursting into laughter.
Ahad Raza Mir and her father, renowned actor Asif Raza Mir, presented her with gifts. Ahad Raza Mir celebrated her graduation by draping a necklace made of currency notes around her neck, while Asif Raza Mir gave her sweets and congratulated her on her graduation.
Dananeer appeared both delighted and excited by the playful congratulations from the senior actors. The viral video initially left viewers confused, with many assuming that Ahad and Dananeer’s relationship was being officially celebrated with the gifts, but later they learned the true context of the video.
It is also noteworthy that the chemistry between Dananeer and Ahad Raza Mir in “M Se Mohabbat” is being widely appreciated by the audience and has become a topic of discussion on social media.