How sales be like in Pakistan, a stigma or an illusion?

Wait! Is this a shot of an Open Kitchen for POOR? No, here’s the battle continues as women fight to avail 50% discount on a clothing brand. Is that the way Pakistan heading to? Are we really able to call ourselves an Ethical Nation? Perhaps, Not!

From past years, the sales trend has been exceptionally encouraged and brands are more comfortable in earning revenue on both sales and retail. Actually, people are more obsessed to designer wear in so-called developing country. The reason is, purchasing power among people have increased and they don’t think twice while buying Joras just for the sake of being called wearing a ‘Designer Wear’.

I remember when I was in my early teens, my mother used to buy clothes for me from any random clothing retail. We were living the same happy lifestyle, enough travelling, we used to go to eateries every week for a family get together. No one used to ask me or my mother that from where I got this dress bought and stitched. But the question is WHY NOW?

Are we busy enough to wait for a stitching process? Or we are still in a DESIGNER COMPLEX? Or what?

Why such furious and misbehaving attitudes on sales? Have we got short of clothes?

This question stimulates in my mind and every time I fail to find out the real reason behind this all drama. However, what I can feel is when you have more money, more freedom and extended social circle, so you’ll be found in such sales which happen every now and then in Pakistan. Such gestures on SALES are clearly delivering the worst image of Pakistan as an unethical nation.

Where Actually We Are Heading To?

 Clothes worth 5k could be your charm for a 1 season, however, spending that 5k on an education of street child could be a lifetime reward for both your country and for that child.

The best thing I always notice typically on a FLAT 50% sale that stitched tunic’s worth before sale was 4k and after flat rate, it drops down to 2k which means the brands never compromise on the ‘REVENUE’ they earn even in the sales period. So you are paying them BEYOND EXTRA BUCKS!

This time we just have to be little conscious about where we are spending our hard earned incomes. We need to make sure that if our income source is capable enough to bear such extravagance on clothes. It doesn’t mean that not to shop until you drop, but make sure you have to spend logically, sensibly and save some for a RAINY DAY.

Moreover, Pakistanis are the best nation when it comes to charitable moments, donating for causes and much other. It’s a time, to value our money because only that person who earns knows the grace of blood earned income.

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