MPAs submit no-confidence resolution against Sanaullah Zehri

QUETTA- Members of Balochistan assembly, on Tuesday, submitted a no-confidence motion against the Chief Minister Sanaullah Zehri. The motion was signed by a total of 14 lawmakers and was submitted by Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo and Syed Agha Raza.


According to the parliamentarians, the motion of no-confidence is submitted as per “Article 136 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, for a vote of no confidence against the Chief Minister, Government of Balochistan.”

The Article 136 (1) of the Constitution of Pakistan reads: “A resolution for a vote of no-confidence moved by not less than twenty per centum of the total membership of the Provincial Assembly may be passed against the Chief Minister by the Provincial Assembly.

(2) A resolution referred to in clause (1) shall not be voted upon before the expiration of three days, or later than seven days, from the day on which such resolution is moved in the Provincial Assembly.

(3) If the resolution referred to in clause (1) is passed by a majority of the total membership of the Provincial Assembly, the Chief Minister shall cease to hold office.”

The resolution was submitted to the Speaker Balochistan assembly and it read:

“We, the undersigned Members of the Provincial Assembly of Balochistan, do hereby move a resolution of Vote of no-confidence, against the Chief Minister, Government of Balochistan, as per Article 136 of the Constitution of Pakistan, read with Rule 19-B of the RULES OF PROCEDURE AND CONDUCT OF BUSINESS 1974 of the Provincial Assembly of Balochistan. Hence, it is requested that a day be fixed, for moving the aforesaid resolution in the Provincial Assembly of Balochistan, according to Sub-Rule (4) of Rule 19-B of RULES OF PROCEDURE AND CONDUCT OF BUSINESS 1974.”

Balochistan assembly has 65 members and 14 signatures on the motion. thus, it fulfils the condition, to be signed by not less than twenty per centum of the total membership, for the resolution to be moved in assembly.

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