Do you know how many Pakistanis say their financial status improved during last year?

ISLAMABAD – According to a recent Gallup survey, majority of Pakistanis believe that their financial status has improved compared to a year ago.

The survey which was conducted over 1,800 men and women, asked participants  whether their family’s personal financial status during the last one year has improved, worsened or stayed the same as during the previous year.


45 percent of the respondents said personal finances have improved. 34 percent said there is no change, while 21 percent believe they are worse off compared to a year ago.

The survey further inquired people whether they believe that Pakistan’s business or economic conditions will improve, worsen or stay the same in the next 12 months.


Despite positive experience in personal finances over the last one year ( net positive +34%), there is skepticism about the prospects of progress in the national economy, 48 percent see bright prospects, but 51 percent see bleak prospects producing a net negative of  3 percent. It shows public discourse produces a bleaker image than personal experience.

In a question whether they believe Pakistan is heading in the right direction or wrong direction, 52 percent said country is going on right trajectory, 46 percent answered in negative. While 2 percent did not give any response.


Over a period of 3 years, positive view on direction of the country has risen from a low of 15% in April 2013 to a high of 52% during the second half of 2016

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