Haris Rauf’s Mehndi pictures and videos will make you swoon

The wedding festivities of Pakistani speedster Haris Rauf is currently trending. As fans are waiting to see the beautiful couple’s pictures, a glimpse from Mehndi event broke the internet.

After Qawwali night, the Mehndi pictures and videos surfaced online, showing the groom to be in donning a dark green traditional dress embellished with silver and gold work.

Besides the Mehndi rituals, Haris also stunned everyone, by making a stunning entry on a horse while a second clip shows him entering the venue on a sports bike.

Close friends and family members thronged the house which was adorned with lights. 

Haris and his class fellow Muzna will get married on Friday in an intimate ceremony. Several players from Team Green will attend the wedding events of the right-arm pacer.

Meanwhile, Green shirts flocked to Karachi for a training camp ahead of the Test series against Sri Lanka. Team players will arrive in Islamabad to attend the Qalandars star’s wedding.

Haris Rauf and Muzna Masood’s wedding invitation card surfaces online

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