Body language expert discusses Meghan Markle s public debut as a mother

LAHORE – The Duchess of Sussex made her official post-birth debut on Wednesday in one of her signature styles: a trench dress. Meghan Markle looked chic and full of elegance.

Understandably, Kate and Meghan both gave what Blanca, body language expert, calls “polite, social smiles” when posing for their first portraits as a family, because they were probably so tired after carrying a baby for months and months, being in labor, and dealing with a (probably crying) newborn.

However people are spewing hate on the new mother, saying that she looks awkward and not as graceful as Kate. However, we think she looks terrific!

“She was doing a lot of comfort cues with her hair — which is part of her natural baseline, but she was doing it quite a lot,” Patti Wood, body language expert and author of Snap: Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language, and Charisma, tells Yahoo Lifestyle, after studying the video of the royal family’s debut.

A comfort cue, she explains, “is a soft touch that sends a message to the nervous system to send out calming chemicals. It’s her comfort cue, and in a category for self-grooming, so it’s a comfort cue about appearance, which makes perfect sense. I think it indicates anxiety as she’s exposing her baby to the clicking cameras of the media, and also exposing herself to possible criticism and ridicule.”

In general, though, what Wood noticed most was that “Meghan seemed to be running it, in terms of who was initiating and more forceful in conversation,” she says. “Beginnings and endings are usually most telling, and she rushed the close. There was an urgency and rushing — great happiness — but that was enough. Which was interesting, considering the power structure. Harry could’ve been out there a while.”

Harry was calm, “to a certain degree,” Wood adds. “His hold [on the baby] was nice and natural and secure, and it was obvious he had held a lot of babies and was comfortable. A lot of times I see him as impish and playful, but here there was something secure underneath.”

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