LAHORE – Benidorm star Sherrie Hewson shared her horror of hair loss due to disease Alopecia. The star was forced to wear wigs at the gathering to hide her scalp and baldness. The 67-year-old suffered alopecia more than 10 years ago due to taking stress and tensions.
The star has now changed her attitude and she is now fighting with this complex by developing an organization named Women Warriors, who have all suffered the same fate, to highlight the condition. The group aims to raise £100,000 to create a hub promoting “bald is beautiful”.
The star discussed this tragic aspect of her life while having a talk at a show. She stated that “I lost my hair through stress and I know what they are dealing with. “A woman’s hair is your femininity and to lose it is very stressful.
“These women are embracing their hair loss. It’s brilliant what they are doing and I’m happy to put my name to it.” Sherrie further shared that she had taken lots of medicines and vitamins after losing her hair. But luckily the hair growing back after six months.
Hannah McKay, 30, started losing her locks in July and found the courage to ask Sherrie to back their cause. She said: “We told her about our Women Warriors and she told us about losing her hair. We asked her if she would be an ambassador for us and she said yes.”
Elisha and Panache Group company owner Jolene Casey, 40, is aiming to raise ÂŁ100,000 to create a hub for other alopecia sufferers.
The group has helped many other suffering women and it has surely given them confidence. This is the society should be. Nothing is incurable, we all should help each other in fighting their problems as well said: “Kindness is a great virtue!”.