
Pakistan jumps 5 places to become 10th Most Powerful Country in the World

LAHORE – According to Global Firepower’s 2021 military strength ranking, the Pakistan military has improved 5 places and is ranked as the tenth most powerful military in the world.

Earlier in the year 2020, Pakistan stood as the 15th most powerful country. Global Firepower Index is an annual grading that ranks the countries according to their military strength.

Every year, the Global Firepower ranks the militaries of 138 countries by giving weightage to a complex number of factors, and not just sheer numbers of soldiers or weapons.

It looks at a large number of different criteria, including the diversity of each country’s weapons, manpower, population, geography, and state of development.

The Global Firepower ranking utilises over 55 factors to determine a country’s PowerIndex score.

Here is a ranking of the world’s top 10 most powerful militaries in 2021.

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