Haleeb Foods publicly shamed by own ad agency for non-payment

KARACHI – In an unprecedented move concerning the corporate sector in Pakistan, an advertising agency overtook the Facebook page of Haleeb Foods and publicly asked the company to clear its pending dues.

Viral EDGE, a Karachi based social media and ad agency, in order to get the other party to clear up its dues, also uploaded images on Haleeb Food’s with a message that reads:

“Dear Fans, please help us in recover our payments due since more than 7 months on account of Haleeb Foods.

Kindly re-share the page on your profile to support the cause.”

The Haleeb Food’s Page has over 100,000 fans on it.

Haleeb Foods Limited, formerly known as Chaudhry Dairies was formed in 1985. The core product of the company has always been packaged milk but it currently operates in several other food product categories. It is principally engaged in processing and sale of toned milk, milk powder, allied dairy products and fruit juices.

The dispute follows the ad agency’s multiple attempts to get its dues cleared by the company.

Haleeb Foods had contracted Viral EDGE for the development of its two websites (One for Haleeb Foods and another for a sister concern). One proper contract on legal documents was signed and the agency developed both the sites.

As promised, the agency received a partial payment by Haleeb Foods. Somewhere before the final delivery, the disagreement arose, and Haleeb told Viral EDGE that contract has been terminated.

Viral EDGE claims that they offered revisions but Haleeb Foods didn’t respond to any emails, which made them take this extreme step.

Interestingly, the contract didn’t contain any clauses for any damages in case of termination. However, Haleeb failed to amicably resolve the matter before parting ways with Viral EDGE.

Three weeks ago, Viral EDGE removed Haleeb Food’s officials and current agency from the page and took over control of the Facebook page.

Viral EDGE claims they sent a warning mail to Haleeb Foods officials, telling that they would publicly shame them if their payment matters were not resolved, but that email went unresponded as well.

Ultimately Viral EDGE, out of sheer desperation, uploaded images to publicly embarrass Haleeb Foods.

Despite repeated attempts by Daily Pakistan, Haleeb Foods did not provide their version of the story.

Courtesy: ProPakistani

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