Yami Gautam takes initiative to set up library for underprivileged children s education

Bollywood actress, Yami Gautam has sought to help underprivileged children in Kohlapur, Maharashtra by setting up a library to help advance their education. She donated money to help over 400 kids in the remote village area to read, learn and make their lives better.

She tweeted this heartfelt tweet two days ago;


She spoke about her own connection with the cause, “I have a personal connection as I have grown up watching my grandpa start a school which was for underprivileged kids who could not afford to spend on education. I remember going to that school and interacting with them when I had an off from my school so that was a small initiative I saw my family start in Chandigarh. Which is why this (education) has a personal connect with me.”


She also added, “I have always wanted to do something for the education and empowerment of children. Especially the rural kids as accessibility to basics like books, good public schools, teachers are still work in progress in such pockets of the country. While researching I came across various NGOs who are working on this front and the least we can do is a contribution in whatever small ways we can.”


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