Pakistan calls for UNSC briefing over growing Indian aggression

NEW YORK – Pakistan’s UN Ambassador Maleeha Lodhi is set to meet UN chief Ban Ki-moon on Friday to inform him about the continued provocations by India along the Line of Control in Azad Kashmir.

Earlier, Maleeha Lodhi met with New Zealand’s UN Ambassador Gerard van Bohemen, who is current president of the 15-member Security Council. She asked the UNSC president to formally brief the body on escalating tension by India on the Line of Control.

Talking to media after the meeting, she said she brought to his attention the dangerous situation that is building up in our region as a result of Indian provocation.

She said our call to the international community is avert a crisis before there is one.

Maleeha Lodhi said Pakistan is showing maximum restraint but there are limits to our restraint if India continues with provocations.

She said there had already been “ominous signs of unusual movement” along the border with movements of troops and tanks and credible reports of Indian evacuations of some areas.

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