Police on the hunt for woman who left man with a hefty bill on first date

Navigating the age-old debate of who pays the bill on a first date has always been a contentious issue. Opinions vary, with some advocating for traditional chivalry, while others champion the idea of splitting expenses evenly. However, this time, the debate took an unexpected turn, as a 28-year-old man from Moscow reported a rather unusual incident to the police.

The man had met a woman online, and after weeks of getting to know each other through social media, they decided to meet for a date at a café on Moscow’s Mira Avenue. All seemed well until the bill arrived, and the waiter suggested they share the cost equally. The woman vehemently opposed the idea, arguing that the man had ordered most of the food and drinks, thus insisting he should bear the entire 16,000 rubles ($165) bill.

What followed was a heated argument, which resulted in the woman abruptly leaving the cafe, leaving the bewildered man to foot the entire bill. However, this story takes an unexpected twist. Instead of quietly accepting his fate, the man took matters into his own hands and made a rather unconventional move—he filed a formal complaint against his date at a local police station.

The outcome of this intriguing romantic escapade remains uncertain, but one thing is for sure: this particular date will be talked about for a long time to come, as the debate over who should pay takes an unprecedented turn.

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