Punjab, KP resume physical classes for grades 10, 12

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2021-05-31T10:44:00+05:00 Web Desk

ISLAMABAD – Physical classes for metric and intermediate resumed at schools and colleges in parts of Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and in the federal capital.

The decision was taken in National Command and Operation Center (NCOC) meeting which took place on May 29. A notification in this regard stated that all educational institutions will follow the SOPs and necessary instructions in this regard.

Students in areas with less than 5 percent positivity rate are going back to educational institutions while classes will be held on alternate days with 50 percent attendance.

As per the decision of the country’s nerve center on novel disease, it has been decided to start only Grade 10 and 12 classes with staggered attendance and strict compliance of SOPs from May 31.

However, classes up to Grade 8 and Grade 9 and 11 will re-open on June 07 also with staggered attendance. The private educational institutions have been ordered to follow instructions in letter and spirit.

The authorities launched a walk-in vaccination for all educational faculty above the age of 18 years across Pakistan. The teachers are required to carry their employment letter along with their ID card to get the vaccine.

On Friday, Punjab School Education Minister Murad Raas said schools across Punjab will reopen on June 7. Students have suffered huge losses and can’t afford more holidays. Raas also urged teachers in Lahore to get vaccinated, saying schools in the province would be reopened from June 7.

Earlier on May 14, the federal government has decided to extend the closure of all educational institutions across Pakistan as the country battles with the third wave of the Covid pandemic. 

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