Scientists transform humid air into renewable energy by accident

Researchers at the University of Massachusetts (UMass) Amherst made an incredible discovery in May last year by generating a steady wave of electric current using humidity in the air. 

According to Professor Jun Yao, the study’s primary author, they managed to accomplish this objective by accident.

According to reports, the device, which was made from a collection of tiny tubes or nanowires, was creating an electrical signal. Actually, there was a little charge created by the nanowires rubbing against one another inside the tube. 

Yao went on to explain, it’s important to note that when the frequency of the bumps increased, one end of the tube developed a different charge than the other.

Then, Yao’s group carried out a new study switching from nanowires to materials having a vast number of small holes, or nanopores. They were able to create a gadget that is about the size of a thumbnail and produces around one microwatt. 

Yao said that air permeates everything. In theory, we may stack several layers in vertical space to enhance the power, even if a thin sheet of the device emits a relatively little quantity of electricity or power. 

According to experts, these gadgets have the ability to generate power out of thin air. 

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