China, Russia veto pro-Israel resolution tabled by US amid deadlock over Gaza war

NEW YORK – United States put forward a resolution that called for humanitarian pause to allow aid access, the safety of residents, and blocking Hamas and other armed groups in Gaza, but other world powers blocked the declaration.

UNSC on Wednesday failed to take a unified position on stopping the massacre in Palestine. Kremlin and Washington accused other side of politics and pushing personal interests on other council members without consultation.

Days after the US vetoed a Pro-Palestine resolution, Washington’s draft failed to pass owing to a negative vote by permanent Security Council members Russia and China.

Russia, China, and US are on opposite side in Israel-Gaza war while Palestinians continue to suffer with deaths standing near 6,000.

Moscow shared rationale for blocking the resolution, saying the resolution failed to condemn the Palestinians death. And resolution could not pass it must be supported by at least nine members of the Council.

The Chinese envoy said they vetoed the US resolution as it was seriously out of balance, and lacked the strongest calls necessary for a ceasefire. The resolution failed to mention the root causes of the current crisis in Gaza, he said.

United Nation resolution on Palestine fails as US vetoes in support of Israel

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