Most Pakistanis trust the government to do what is right for the country, reveals latest Gallup survey

ISLAMABAD – Contrary to the popular perception of trust deficit between the masses and government, a recent survey has revealed that 69% Pakistanis claim to trust the national government to do what is right for the country.

The survey conducted by Gilani Research Foundation and Gallup also reveals that as much as 25% of Pakistanis (from among 69%) have ‘a lot of trust’ in what the government was doing while 44% said they somewhat trust.

The survey conducted in four provinces encompassing both male and female population asked: “How much do you trust the national government to do what is right for Pakistan; a lot, somewhat, not much, or not at all?”

In response, 22% said they did not trust it much and 8% said they did not trust the national government at all while 1% did not know or wish to respond.

The survey was carried out among a sample of 1719 men and women in rural and urban areas of the country from January 21 –January 27, 2018.

The widespread majority (69%) of people, trusting the government might appear as a surprise to political commentators owing to the fragile situation of the country with US threat looming at one end and economic turmoil shaking the confidence of investors on the other end.

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