Nabila Maqsood states celebrities should use their platforms sacredly and responsibly

Prominent hair and makeup artist and the founder of Nabila Salon, Nabila Maqsood has come out with her own take on the entire Ali Zafar/Meesha Shafi fiasco following the latters allegations on Zafar.

Nabila posted a Facebook status which she began with, “WE STAND WITH THE TRUTH” and went on to share her relationship with both Meesha and Ali.

“I’ve known Ali Zafar since he was at college. In fact, it won’t be wrong if I claim being responsible for scouting him by doing his first ever shoot. I knew he was a star when I saw his eye contact with the camera lens…. the rest is history.”

She also wrote that she had been a direct part of Ali Zafar’s growth as an artists and as an individual and had seen him evolve into a “fine young man.”

She then continued on to explain her relationship with Meesha, “I have also known Meesha Shafi professionally and seen her develop from being a model to a successful musician and a fine professional. She is a true millennial, juggling children, talent, career and home. Meesha is inspiring, cool, rebellious, firm, strong, and by no means meek or submissive.”

When she addressed the allegations, she did so without picking a side, ”Although I don’t like getting involved in any politics, but seeing the divide and undying obscenity surrounding the allegations I want to make a point here and request my colleagues to refrain from manipulating the #MeToo movement for their personal vendetta or instant fame.”

And added that celebrities should use their fame and power “sacredly and responsibly” and aim to create a positive impact and to educate the coming generations.

She concluded, “Regardless of gender, age, cast, creed or status, its never acceptable to force yourself upon another person without their consent. It’s also not acceptable to ever be violated and stay silent with shame.”

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