Pakistan observes former PM Zulfikar Ali Bhutto s 45th death anniversary

ISLAMABAD – Pakistan is observing the 44th death anniversary of former Prime Minister and Pakistan People’s Party leader Zulfikar Ali Bhutto.

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, the former Prime Minister known for populist politics, was hanged on April 4, 1979, after being convicted in a controversial trial. His execution remains a significant and controversial event in history of South Asian nation.

After 4.5 decades of his death, the legacy of PPP founder stays and he is inspiration for many for being the dissent voice in the darkest of times.

His party PPP is set to organize prayers at the district level to mark the death anniversary. Garhi Khuda Bux, the site of Bhutto’s mausoleum, will observe public gathering.

Bhutto was known for being the politician who ended the politics of cabals of wealthy landowners and bureaucrats who ruled South Asian nations during military regimes. He promised food, clothing and shelter to the masses as he went electioneering in the markets and remote areas.

An Oxford graduate, Bhutto was trained as a barrister at the prestigious Lincolns Inn. He joined politics as a cabinet member of Iskander Mirza, before being assigned to several ministries during President Ayub Khan’s military rule.

He established Pakistan Peoples Party in 1967 and served as the 4th President till 1973 when he became prime minister after parliament unanimously approved a new constitution.

In 1977, then Army Chief Zia-ul-Haq deposed Bhutto in a coup and executed him by the Supreme Court in 1979 in murder case.

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was not given fair trial against his death sentence: Supreme Court

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