Pakistan condemns Israeli raids, airstrikes in Palestinian territory

ISLAMABAD – Israeli armed forces launched major operation in Jenin refugee camp, killing a dozen Palestinians, and the latest violence triggered response from across the globe including Pakistan.

Amid condemnations, Islamabad strongly denounced the raids and airstrikes. In a statement, Foreign Office condemns the violence in strongest possible terms, saying latest episode of violence against the occupied people of Palestine by the occupying power must end immediately.

Pakistan called on world leaders to assume responsibility in bringing these brutal and illegal actions by the Israeli occupation forces to stop and to ensure the protection of the human rights of the Palestinian people.

South Asian nation also reaffirmed strong and unwavering support to the legitimate struggle of the Palestinian people for their rights.

Pakistan further renews call for a viable, independent Palestine, with pre-1967 borders and Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital, in accordance with the relevant UN and OIC resolutions.

The recent incident is not first as Israeli forces killed dozen Palestinians, including women and children, in a pre-dawn airstrike in the Gaza Strip in May this year. Jewish forces have been intensifying brutal raids in the Palestine and even carrying out home demolitions. 

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