
Twitter s Blue Bird is back

Ever since Elon Musk took hold of Twitter, the app itself is making headlines for ridiculously funny reasons. From Musk’s stints at the Twitter HQ to everyone buying the verification blue tick to the recent logo change , Twitterati has been on a roller coaster ride.

Now why would the Tesla owner change the Twitter logo to Doge, the infamous Shiba Inu logo? Frankly, nobody knows, but its back for sure. The signature blue bird is back and Twitter users are hyped up again.

Many people speculated that Musk reverted the logo to divert everyone’s attention from the lawsuit against him by Dogecoin investors.

The logo stayed for around 3 days only on the web version.

After the change of Twitter’s logo to Doge symbol, the crypto-currency’s trend moved upward highlighting a positive sign for it.

Documentary on Elon Musk s life to release this month

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