What are white phosphorus bombs that are being used by Israeli forces against Gaza?

Israeli bombing continued to rock Gaza as the fight between Tel Aviv and Hamas enters the sixth day after Palestinian fighters launched an offensive against Israel over the weekend.

Amid the relentless bombing, Palestine sounds alarm, alleging Israel of using white phosphorus bombs in striking populated areas in the western region of occupied territory.

The claims from oppressed Palestinians raised questions as Israel previously faced controversy and international criticism for its use of white phosphorus munitions in, including the 2008-2009 Gaza War (Operation Cast Lead) and the 2014 Israel-Gaza conflict (Operation Protective Edge).

Phosphorus bombs are incendiary weapons that contain white phosphorus. These are a highly reactive and flammable chemical elements that ignite spontaneously in air and burn intensely. The banned bombs have been used in various military conflicts for several purposes, including creating smoke screens, illuminating targets, and causing fires.

These bombs gained are known for the potential harm they can cause to both military personnel and civilians. When these bombs are dropped or deployed, they can start fires that are difficult to extinguish, as white phosphorus burns even in the presence of water. The smoke produced by burning white phosphorus can obscure vision and hinder military operations.

The use of white phosphorus in populated areas has raised ethical and humanitarian concerns, as it can cause severe burns and injuries to civilians. Some international agreements, such as the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW), have restrictions on the use of incendiary weapons like phosphorus bombs in certain circumstances, particularly when used in proximity to civilians.

For our readers’ information, white phosphorus ignites quickly when it comes into contact with oxygen.

These bombs were earlier used in past armed conflicts, including both World Wars, and in Afghanistan, Syria, and Gaza, per Human Rights Watch reports.

During recent war, Israeli military again used white phosphorus munitions, including artillery shells loaded with banned substance, in residential areas. These reports raised concerns about the potential impact on civilians, as white phosphorus can cause severe burns and injuries, and its use in populated areas can result in unintended harm to non-combatants.

Israel fired white phosphorus munitions in Gaza: Palestine

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