Fact-Check: Is this girl from viral video being forced for nikkah in Pakistan?

LAHORE – A story with a video clip that has gone viral on social media, claiming that a Muslim girl is being forced into a nikkah without her consent in Pakistan, is false. 

The video shows a beard man in white clothes and a couple of women holding the girl and forcing her to sign on a paper. The girl can be seen crying as she is showing resistance. 

Some social media used the video to spread propaganda against Islam, claiming that the girl was being forced to sign nikkah papers, without going into verification. 

As the video went viral, UK-based investigative journalist Sulaiman Ahmed conducted the investigation and put forth the facts. 

“The video below went viral, and I wrote my critique of the video based on the assumption that it accurately depicted the events. However, despite my initial position still holding true, recent news has emerged that the incident was not related to a forced marriage in Bangladesh.

“As I mentioned in my previous post, even if the actions of these individuals were genuine, they do not represent Islam, where forced marriage is impermissible. It’s important to distinguish between forced and arranged marriages. They are not the same,” he said.

Ahmed explained the incident, in reality, involved a shop employee who attempted to steal money from her employer. When she was apprehended, she refused to sign a confession statement, which would have resulted in her imprisonment.

He added that the issued had nothing to do with religion. 

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