Israel tells Palestinians to leave Gaza within 24 hours; Hamas defies order

Hours after the Israeli government told Palestinians to leave Gaza within 24 hours, the Palestinian freedom fighter group Hamas has announced it will not leave Gaza.

Israeli authorities have directed the Palestinians through pamphlets thrown from the air to leave the Gaza City and move to the south of the city. However, Hamas spokesperson Dr Khalid Qaddoumi has said that people of Gaza will not become refugees like they did in 1948. He said that efforts were being made to break the will of the Gaza people. He said that Israel was pressurising international organisation to force the Palestinians to vacate Gaza, but Palestinians will not leave their land. 

On the other hand, Israeli forces are continuously bombing Gaza. At least 1,800 Palestinians have been martyred so far in the Israeli bombing of Gaza since Saturday when the Hamas carried out surprise attacks inside Israel. At least 583 Palestinian children are among the Palestinians who have been martyred so far. Thousands of Palestinians have been wounded in the Israeli air strikes on Gaza. 

Moreover, Israeli airstrikes have left more than 423,000 Palestinians displaced.

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