Russian scientists working on first edible coronavirus vaccine

MOSCOW – Russian microbiologists, from the Institute of Experimental Medicine St. Petersburg, are working on the creation of the world’s first edible coronavirus vaccine.

According to the head of the Department of Molecular Microbiology Alexander Suvorov, preclinical trials of a mucosal vaccine based on a fermented milk product are planned to be completed soon.

World’s first edible vaccine against the novel virus has a taste similar to that of ‘riazhenka’, – a kind of very common fermented milk yogurt.

The edible vaccine will be expected to speed up the process of vaccinating millions of people, although to complete the research, scientists need 200-220 million rubles, and now researchers are looking for extrabudgetary funding sources.

Laboratory mice, rats, and rabbits consume this ferment with pleasure while an excellent immune response is formed, and no side effects have yet been observed yet.

The molecular microbiology scientist said that both edible and injectable vaccines lead to the formation of sufficient immune response in the human body.

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The scientists further added that the Institute of Experimental Medicine has extensive experience in vaccine development based on probiotics. The institute already has numerous vaccines against influenza pneumococcal, and strep throat infection.

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