The world is divided into two,Yanny or Laurel

The world is divided into two after this weird video of “Yanny” and “Laurel” goes viral. Well recently a reddit user uploaded a voice recording of ‘Yanny’ or ‘Laurel’, well some people are hearing Yanny and the rest are hearing laurel. This sparked an Internet debate. This debate got so huge that experts and celebrities joined the bandwagon.

According to experts what you hear can depend on your sound system quality or your ears age. Now if some people even claimed that on their phones they were able to hear a Yanny but when listened on a full sized sound system they were able to listen to Laurel. It all started from a vocabulary website and now it’s going viral.

Kim K takes over twitter to explain how even her family is now divided in two:

Some people are even relating it with years old Blue and Gold dress example, in which some people saw a blue dress while others saw a gold dress.

Of course the roasts and fun stuff came along:

Some creeps think it’s Laurel! Lol

I support the Yanny Gang!!!

Some even hear both:

What do you guys think?






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