Pakistani social media influencers, Azlan Shah and Warisha Javed Khan, have been entertaining their fans first with their dreamy wedding and now with a luxurious honeymoon. The young couple decided to spend their wedding trip in Malaysia.
Following the extravagant wedding festivities, Shah’s unusual gift to his darling wife — a foal — and the union of the couple has been the highlight of the wedding season. With their over-the-top honeymoon trip, Shah and Khan have set a precedent for all the newly wed couples now.
Sharing scintillating and heartwarming pictures from the Malaysian capital, the duo has been dominating the internet. With matching outfits to PDA-filled poses, the power couple has done it all.
With their usual quirkiness, the pair also shared a picture in front of the Petronas Towers in Kaula Lumpur with a sign stating, “Ammi, we are fine.”Â
Social media users oozed love for the couple in the comment section.
Khan is a dentist by profession, and a social media influencer with more than 218K+ followers, making her one of the most accomplished public figures.
On the other hand, Shah is an acclaimed YouTuber and social media star known for rescuing stray animals and calls himself a self proclaimed animal enthusiast.
YouTuber Azlan Shah reveals why he gifted a donkey to his wife on wedding (DP Exclusive)