Rare Super Blue Moon illuminates sky in Pakistan, parts of world (See Pics)

A spectacular view of the Super Blue Moon was seen in several countries including Pakistan as the rare celestial event dazzled stargazers.

Sky was illuminated by the extraordinary brightness of the super blue moon in the wee hours of Thursday as the moon appeared brighter due to its closest orbit to Earth.

Stargazers, in parts of the world, were stunned by the delightful experience as they spotted Super Blue Moon, which is the last such phenomenon in this decade.

Stunning clicks were shared from various parts of the world, showing magnificent beauty that captivated observers.

What is Superblue Moon

A superblue moon is a rare occurrence when a supermoon and a blue moon happen concurrently. The rare phenomenon occurs when the moon is at its closest point to Earth in its orbit, appearing larger and brighter in the sky.

The 2023 Blue Moon is said to be larger and brighter than previous celestial events. Stargazers are excited to see Super Blue Moon as it will not occur again in this decade and will repeat in August 2032.

The super moon is said to be around 3,57,344 kilometres away from Earth and will appear larger than usual. The blue moon actually has nothing to do with the colour of the moon, and it comes up when there are two full moons at the same time.

One should observe the moon just after sunset during the hours of dusk to get the best view of the full moon. Super Blue Moon will be visible on August 30 at about 8:37 pm EDT.

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Although it is visible to the naked eye, the size difference would not be apparent to the unassisted eye. Binoculars might make it easier to see the Super Blue Moon.

A year normally has 12 lunar cycles, which last a total of 354 days, given that the average moon phase lasts roughly 29.5 days. This indicates that an extra 13th full moon occurs in a given year approximately every 2.5 years.

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