25 year old queer Egyptian woman is UN’s ‘Woman of the year’

Britain- 25 year old Shrouk El-Attar is an extraordinary queer who seeked asylum in the Great Britain from Egypt. She was recognised by United Nations Refugee agency for her activism as she helps other people from LGBT commun to get asylum,helping them get a better life. She is currently a student at Cardiff university in Wales soon to be an electrical engineer. When she is not studying she belly dances while flaunting a beard. Her rebellious nature has got her into queer dancing against the gay laws and limitations present in Egypt.

The money she gets from her queer dancing is then donated to people fighting legal battles to get out of a conservative and a place with zero tolerance for LGBT community. She pays for they’re legal cases and help them relocate from a place where they can be in danger for their sexual preferences. She also helps them get good education as she explained worlds most vulnerable people are being deprived of education, people who have fled from war, torture, rape. As asylum seekers have to pay more educational fees than the local students. Every asylum seeker pays 10,000 to 38,000 pounds like international students.

Even after all of this she makes time for tutoring the asylum seekers english so they can communicate in better way and adjust in the new society. She also fights for the admissions of asylum seekers in educational institutions as when she first came no university accepted an asylum seeker but after her campaigns there are 60 universities across the country accepting asylum seekers which is a huge deal.

Back at home things for homosexuals and people supporting LGBT communities are horrible as they are charged with immorality, debauchery and blasphemy. 70 people have been arrested since and 20 are jailed with sentences from 6 months to 6 years. There is no law for homosexuality but the discrimination is evident enough making it a difficult place for the LGBT community to survive. Living behind the closed doors won’t bring any good to anyone but will only destroy the lives of the people effected by it, the LGBT community.


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