Matric exams in Karachi postponed as govt announces public holiday on May 28

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2024-05-27T19:51:11+05:00 Web Desk

KARACHI – The Board of Secondary Education in Karachi has announced the postponement of the ongoing matriculation exams as the federal government announced public holiday on May 28.

The Karachi board said the new dates for the exams would be announced soon.

The exams have been deferred as Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif announced public holiday on Youm-e-Takbeer, a day when Pakistan’s defence became impregnable after nuclear tests in the hills of Chagai, Balochistan. 

Youm-e-Takbeer reminds the Pakistani nation of unity to make the defence of the country invincible, the prime minister said in a statement issued by the PM House.

He said on this day in 1998, the entire nation decided for the integrity of the country, that there would be no compromise by accepting any external pressure on national defence. 

“Youm-e-Takbeer reminds of becoming united under the one flag to strengthen the defence of this country of political and defence forces,” the prime minister remarked.

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